College, Calculus, and Other Crazy Things I Was Not Prepared For
I had grown quite accustomed to the academic system in Vermont. I came to school wearing street clothes, I sat at big round tables, I called certain teachers by their last names, sometimes dropping the, “Ms.” or “Mr.”, and I was used to the casual conversational environment that was in place. When I thought of school, carts full of laptops and classrooms with projectors came to my mind, as did muraled walls, musical instruments, and red cafeteria trays. This was all I knew, but when I arrived in India, I found something completely different. I have speamt the last six months enrolled in K.T.H.M . College, Nashik . Yes, college. In India, after you turn 15, high school is behind you. At that point, children are expected to have decided upon their career, enroll in either a Science, Commerce, or Arts college depending on that career, and then work ...